Sunday, May 31, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
Unstable and Loving
I condsider myself as the Unbalanced Hero because I do things on the way i feel. If im in a good mood I'm quick to do it an it would look or be amazing, but if Im mad or upset I would either never get around to it or it wouldn't be that great. Not only am I Unbalanced but im also the Loving Hero. I am this because if I l]know you and your really special to me I would do anything to help you. There is nothing I wont do for family or friends. My strenghts are my work ethics, my perfection (sometimes), and determination. My weaknesses are procrastinating and speaking out loud. If there was one thing you had to know about me I would say that sometimes I can be a difficult person. So if you have an issue with me it wont bug me because i have bigger and better plans. It's jus me being me!
Posted by Ashley Rhone at 10:36 PM 0 comments
Looking for a New Love and Saving the People
The search for love. My mom always tells me "Don't do it for the money, do it for the love of it." My quest is important because it represents me, it defines who I really am and want to be. My determination to get what I want would help fight the obstacles in my life. My dream is to go to UCLA (Bears) or USC (Trojans)
and become a top notch Pharmacist in California. I want to help people with their problems. Doing this would make me feel useful and happy to have changed someones life. After that I want to be able to be in love and get married and definitly have kids. HAHA!! Being victorious would affect alot of my family and friends. My family would be proud of my success and I would help them or my friends anyway i can.
Posted by Ashley Rhone at 7:54 AM 0 comments
Mis Padres (My Parents)
Through the big and small issues that arise in my life, my parents help me through it all. I think of my mom as the samaraui. She's nice but very strict because she wants not only me but my brother as well to be successful. She teaches things in an easy way an expects no less.If its done wrong it must be fix. She has taught me the basic understandings of the outside world and what I might encounter. Though the lessons might be inside the house it still has something to do with my later future. I love my mom for all the things she has taught me in my fifteen years of life and I look forward to the many more thing I get to learn from her. For my dad, he is like the peace treaty. My mom is more aggressive but my dad is really chilled. He has taught me to be patient and take me time but not to take to long, make it perfect. He says to live life and don't take it for granted. Sometimes I don't understand what he's getting at but it hits me once in a while. I love the good advice he gives me can't wait for more. My parents have raised me to be an idependent individual and I respect their wise teaching method skils.
Posted by Ashley Rhone at 7:53 AM 0 comments
What's Up Cuz
I condsider Rachel as my threshold guardian. Rachel is my cousin. She is thirteen going on fourteen and is going to be a freshmen next year. She lives in Lousiana and I go to her for advice all the time and she comes to me as well. She's had a huge impact on me and the choices I've made. I love her like a sister. Our relationship isn't the typical cousin relationship. She may get on my nerves but we are so alike it is unbelieveable. I feel like I can tell her anything and she always knows the right thing to say. Her advice sometimes does not work but the other times have made my life more acceptable. We call each other EVERYDAY and talk about how our day was and dumb things that have happened HA! Some things we talk about on a daily basis are friends, problems we have with people and things, and who we like sort of. It might not seem like she does a whole lot but in my view she does.
Posted by Ashley Rhone at 7:53 AM 0 comments
SHE'S the Enemy
I will never forget the lecture our pastor gave the church "There are Haters Among Us." I think of this everytime I remember this story...
I thought we were going to last until the end, but I was wrong. She stabbed me in the back and I would give her more chances but she would not catch on to the signal. We were best friends in the younger days until she grew up. Her mind expanded and she became crazy and insane. I used to think I was weird. Why didn't I process like a normal teen, then I realized two things. One I was a late bloomer and two I was the good one she was out of control. We distanced off and went our seperate ways for a while and just as I was getting excited she shows up in my life again, following me like a shadow trying to take control. I had it I was done with her foolishness. Our relationship was at a slow crash until a recent incident and then it made our plane crash like a nuclear bomb. Her kiniving skills were pulling people into her scheme except for a few including me. In my belief she just wanted to make everybody elses life bad to make her seem life hers was perfect. She hurt me and because of her I think I have lost a friend. In the end whose crying? Not me because I have a future to look foward to and family and friends that love me. The way I see, it's her loss not mine.
Posted by Ashley Rhone at 7:53 AM 0 comments
You've Made my Day
I have many friends. Some I talk to more than others but I still love them all. There are certain friends I see everyday and make my life worth living even more. Monique, Roni, Christy, Sara, and Nikki make me smile any and everytime I see them. Sara and I have known each other since second grade but weren't that close, but for some reason we are like inseperatable these past twi years. She is really sweet and I can trust her and tell her anything that is on my mind. I met Nikki and Christy in the seventh grade because we played basketball together and to this day we still do and always cracking jokes while we enjoy our love of basketball.They are so outgoing and wont let anyone stand in their way. Roni! I met Roni in eighth grade athletics. She always smiles and you never see her angry (well I don't). Roni and I are very random and we have each others brain (she's the left and I'm the right). Nobody will ever understand the relationship between us. Monique came in seventh grade and we didn't really hit it off from the get go (we really didn't like each other at all). But by the time basketball season started in our eight grade year, we were the best of friends, we had so much alike it was like we were sisters only I look better haha.She is really crazy and really funny, like the other half of me. I love all them and the make my day just by being with me.
Posted by Ashley Rhone at 7:53 AM 0 comments
For the Love of Basketball
Basketball is my life. I've been playing since I was in the third grade. When I play there is something that takes over me and I dont want to stop. Basketball is a serious sport to me. I might not be the most amazing person but i do have the skills and work ethic to be. I want to be the best I can be in basketball so I practice as many times as I can with my little brother and dad. Some days I feel like I want to quit but I know I would never to that because it's in my blood. Basketball is mentally and physically challenging because it pushes my limits, it when I can be aggressive and let my inner mean come out. I love basketball and I always will no matter what.
Posted by Ashley Rhone at 7:53 AM 0 comments
Journey Among Me
My journey is significant to me. I dream big and outside the box. I expect no less of myself. I want to go to big places and see and learn new things about the world that I haven't learned in my years of life yet. I plan to go traveling and then tell my friends and family about the journey I have gone on in my trip. I want to change my views on the world and say I did this to help change them. Even if I dont travel, I can still help out in the country I live in now. I want this life lesson to not only benifit me but others as well.
Posted by Ashley Rhone at 7:53 AM 0 comments
Keeping up my Knowledge
In school I struggle to keep all A's on my report card. I dont want to take anything less than that, but for some reason I always get one B in a class, and it would be an eighty-eight or eighty-nine ( you couldn't have just rounded?) I am the type of person who strives for what I want and wont stop until I get it. This quality will help me in life because it would help me to keep moving foward. I want to have a high Grade Point Average so i will be able to get into the colleges of my dreams. My knowledge is very important to me and I take pride in it.
Posted by Ashley Rhone at 7:52 AM 0 comments
Typical Guy
Many women want to fall in love with someone who they can share a life with. I know when I get older I would be really strict and take my choices seriously. I want my night in shinging armour to have alot of the same interest as me and be able to make me laugh. He has to be clean and organized and also be able to keep me happy by say the right thing at the right time. I would waant us to really connect and celebrate every moment. I may sound picky but that's my Mr. Perfect and that's the facts.
Posted by Ashley Rhone at 7:52 AM 0 comments
Not the Usual
I am one of a kind. I am very different to other people and friends in my grade or even all over the world. I am athletic, smart, funny, and can be very random. For example, I'll talk about the weather and before the person I'm talking to could answer I would talk about my hair Haha. People say I'm hilarious and love to be around me. My difference is a good quality because I'm being myself and my personality can land me into amazing and rewarding spots
Posted by Ashley Rhone at 7:51 AM 0 comments